Monday 2 September 2013

Veteran Squad 3 - Sgt Laz

Veteran Squad 3, lead by a counts as Gunnery Sergeant Harker, is geared for outflanking and then clearing terrain and/or an objective before camping it. To do this the squad has a balance of assault weapons (Heavy Flamer, 2 Grenade Launchers, Demolition Charge and Harker's relentless Heavy Bolter) and ranged weapons (Heavy Bolter and Grenade Launchers, Missile Launcher and Lasguns). I may be optimistic in 10 humans' abilities and the squad costs a lot of points.
3 extra models allow the squad to be rearranged as an infantry squad with a Sergeant with Chainsword, a Grenade Launcher and a Missile Launcher or, by putting Harker and the model with a heavy ammo belt on the magnetised 64mm base, a Heavy Bolter. The Heavy Weapons team is magnetised as explained on the Heavy Weapons Teams post.

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