Wednesday 4 September 2013

Company Command Squad - Cpt Niel

I spent a lot of time assembling a fully equipped Company Command Squad to lead my Imperial Guard forces. As all the Regimental Advisors have Close Combat weapons and Laspistols I decided to make the whole squad close combat orientated, with many Chainswords. This has proved itself useful in defending the Captain and even fighting off Dark Eldar Hellions!
The Captain is made of about 20 pieces, many filed down to fit. Some are stolen from the old metal Catachan Captain, like the sheathed sword and Power Fist. He has a Cadian Breastplate and shoulders to give the impression of Carapace Armour as in 2nd Edition, and on metal models, all Captains and Lieutenants had that. He's raised up on sheets of plasticard in the base to subtly make him stand out.
To add detail, pre-empt zealous WYSIWYGers and have somewhere to put squad number badges the Regimental Advisors have Laspistols/Close Combat weapons added. The Astropath has had his staff drilled out and replaced with brass rod as the white metal was already breaking.
The Veterans are carefully posed for their roles and equipped generously.

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