Sunday, 8 September 2013

Heavy Weapons Teams

All the Heavy Weapons teams in this army are magnetised to allow for easy storage in a quarter-height KR tray alongside the rest of the squad, to allow for wound counting by removing loader models mid game and to allow for use as 2nd Edition models with no large base. Most bases have some sandbags for detail and a bit of ammo to identify the base by. Much of the ammo had to be crafted from Greenstuff.
The 64mm bases have a hole cut out using a rotary cutter (looks like a compass with a blade on the end). Then a filed down section of Lord of the Rings infantry tray is glued into place as this is designed for 25mm bases to fit into. The edges of the infantry tray stand proud so are smoothed using greenstuff. A 3mm magnet is super glued centrally in the 25mm recesses and another under the base of the models, which requires some of the base and metal tab to be carved out.

Missile Launcher

This simply uses a double section of infantry tray to fit the loader and firer models.


These use a double section of infantry tray to fit the loader and firer models. The Mortars are pinned at the join and have a bar running between the Mortar and stand for strength. The Mortars have a 3mm magnet in their base and the 64mm base has raise bits to hold the mortar in position.

Heavy Bolter & Autocannons

These all use a common chassis. The firer models have a 3mm magnet in their back side. The chassis has a 3mm magnet in the seat and another, almost lined up, on the bottom below it. A third is placed below the crossbar of the chassis with attracts to one in a piece of sprue on the 64mm base.


I haven't figured out the Lascannons yet. There'll be some structure to hold a magnet up under the frame and maybe magnets at the end of the legs of the gun.

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