Sunday 8 September 2013

Platoon Command Squad - Lt Lea

This squad leads White Platoon. There are seven models: the Comm-Link operator and the Standard Bearer can be swapped for more Flamers for a maxed 5 man squad.
The Heavy Flamer has the end of his weapon swapped for an old metal Baal Predator sponson, all filed down to fit. I don't like the new Flamer aesthetic so use the old one wherever I can. He also has a knife added, for putting the squad number on, and, like the Lieutenant, a water canteen as it's hot work! The Lieutenant had his head removed, rotated and re-attached as I wanted to distinguish him from the Veteran Platoon leader model. His Boltgun was removed and replaced with a Chainsword as, with the addition of a Bolt Pistol, this model and squad will see close action and close combat. Similarly the Comm-Link operator had his Lasgun chopped off and replaced with a Laspistol and has a large sheathed knife added so there is somewhere to put the squad number transfer. The Standard Bearer is equipped for close combat, like the rest of the squad, with his large knife drawn. His flag staff is topped by an icon made from a chopped up vehicle aquila and a Space Marine hand.

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