Thursday, 3 October 2013

Warp Spiders

Big Fergus bought these Warp Spiders to add a bit of speed with the new rules changes. They haven't seen battle yet but I'm told they're filth.
I've two Exarchs to choose from, one with and one without Powerblades. The Exarchs are magnetised to allow all weapon options. There are 4mm magnets in the tops of their backs and backpacks and 2mm in the bottom.
The weapons have a locating pin sticking out both into the backpack and the back. I was going to have their locating pin in the body of the model but then noticed how weak the weapons became when they had a hole drilled through them, so reinforced them by gluing the pin into the weapons. The Spinneret Rifle is an extended Deathspinner with extra acceleration tubes and a longer firing chamber, made mostly from plasticard and greenstuff.

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