Thursday, 3 October 2013

Warp Spiders

Big Fergus bought these Warp Spiders to add a bit of speed with the new rules changes. They haven't seen battle yet but I'm told they're filth.
I've two Exarchs to choose from, one with and one without Powerblades. The Exarchs are magnetised to allow all weapon options. There are 4mm magnets in the tops of their backs and backpacks and 2mm in the bottom.
The weapons have a locating pin sticking out both into the backpack and the back. I was going to have their locating pin in the body of the model but then noticed how weak the weapons became when they had a hole drilled through them, so reinforced them by gluing the pin into the weapons. The Spinneret Rifle is an extended Deathspinner with extra acceleration tubes and a longer firing chamber, made mostly from plasticard and greenstuff.


These rangers were for Big Fergus' Allies. Under the previous rules the Pathfinders were godly snipers, if extremely expensive. As with Wendlepots Rangers these are only part painted, partly out of boredom and partly as we're deciding on the cloak's colours. Big Fergus is thinking a black cloak with Screamer Pink, Scorpion Green and Dark Angel Green thorns, although this may be a bit too dark.

Spiritseer / Eldrad Ulthran

I got this Eldrad model as part of an Ebay collection of Warlocks but his head had been mostly filed off. Seeing the Hemlock Wraithfighter pilot's head and knowing that only Spiritseers now have staffs I saw an opportunity for a small conversion. Since the majority of the model is there I see no reason why he can't still also be fielded as Eldrad Ulthran.

The left arm is a Guardian's arm with much greenstuff, including what will be a large Spirit Stone in his hand. The head swap was finished with greenstuff cabling at the back. The scenic base was for raising him up to the level of the modern Farseers. The base was an intricate bit of work with individually cut tiles for the broken floor he stands on, a broken sewer pipe and 'metal' girders in the ground from scrapings of plastic. The base even had a slot for his tab to fit in.


This was a Harlequin High Avatar from GW's Skulz scheme that I got for a steal off Ebay. It'll be used as a Solitaire using the Autarch + Mantle of the Laughing God rules. It gives Wendlepot the option of a more Harlequin themed army. As the modern Harlequins are raised off their bases I raised the Solitaire to match with a tall scenic base showing a busted Star Cannon.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Shadowsword - 'Shot in the Dark'

I got this Armorcast Shadowsword in the USA in '98. It is an officially licensed Games Workshop product, as the GW logo on the box can attest, though that hasn't stopped Games Workshop recently considering it banned from gaming in their stores. Armorcast produced a Shadowsword and a Baneblade, both scaled up versions of the then Epic super-heavy models. I didn't bother with the Baneblade then as it had the firepower of 2 Leman Russes for the points cost of 3, while the Shadowsword added firepower nothing else could. This was around £60.
The then rules stated a Shadowsword had a Volcano Cannon, Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter and Bolter and two sponsons each with a Lascannon and 3 Bolters. The 3 Bolter concept is probably what evolved into the 3 Lasguns on the modern Chimera. I didn't like the pudgy metal Bolters so cut square holes and added plastic Marine Bolters. The Heavy Bolter on the front is from an original Leman Russ while its housing is made of plywood.
The 'Dozerblade is 2 old 'Dozerblades bolted together with a suitable skull and wings from a plastic ring I found on the front. I've added a searchlight, Stormbolter and an inbuilt Hunter-Killer Missile.